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ASU entomologist sheds light on bee swarms

June 13, 2013

Each spring and summer, Arizona State University’s School of Life Sciences receives inquiries from the media and the public about bee swarms. During this time of year, hives are growing exponentially. This causes colonies to “grow” new queen bees and fissure.

Once they split, half the colony leaves with one queen to look for a new home, while the other half stays behind. This is normal for this time of year.

Swarms are typically gentle and not interested in harming people. When left alone, the bees usually move on.

Fox 10 television reporter Anita Roman recently interviewed Osman Kaftenoglu, School of Life Sciences entomologist and manager of ASU’s honey bee research lab, regarding bee swarms. Kaftenoglu explains some of the differences between honey bee and Africanized bee colonies.

Article source: Fox 10 News

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